This is the last of all the first row of colours and also I don't want to talk about the Legend of Zelda: The WindWaker. Instead I shall talk about a friend’s birthday party that we for her in February 25, 2012.
So I was waiting for the hour before the party to come around so I can go take a shower and get ready and everything else, but in the last 2 hours before the party, my parents made some last minute plans to have a party of their own so I couldn't go. So for the next hour I was doing homework and telling people to tell the others people that I’m not going. Then in the last half hour, a friend calls me and asks me if I was going, so I explained to her why. Then out of nowhere my mom appears and asks me what does she want, I then say “She wants to know if I’m going to the party and I said no” and my mom asks, “Why not?” after those words I knew that I was going but I was also a bit frustrated. My friend told me that she was going to pick me up to take me to the party. So I had 20 minutes to get ready and everything but meanwhile I was taking a shower, my parents went out expecting to come back before the party hour and I was ready and everything. By the time my friend arrived at my house, my parents weren’t home, so there was no way I could leave the house. I was stuck in there for a good 15 min since my friend arrived until finally comes my mom and dad and I tell them the she was downstairs. So I went downstairs and went in the car and when we arrived, barely anyone was there so she was worried for nothing. As time went by, more people started arriving and eventually, everyone has arrived. I forgot to mention, this party was a surprise party. And one of the funniest moments was when a friend arrived late to the party but before the birthday girl arrived, and he didn’t know what her car looked like, so from the top of the building, we looked down at his car, and every single car that went by him, he bent down and hid in his car. By the time the birthday girl came by we were all hiding but everyone was stupid enough that by the time we hid, we made noises. Luckily everyone stayed quiet when we heard her coming upstairs. So she, expecting to just have a friendly hang out, went upstairs to watch a “movie” or so she expected and then we popped out and yelled “surprise” but one person, he decided to pop out at the most awkward moment, he succeeded, and everyone laughed though. In the first surprise though, the reaction was expectable, I expected her to cover her mouth and cry of joy but instead she just covered her mouth, half right. One more person did show up about 10 minutes later and that was all. For the rest of the night we watched one movie, talked seriously and had a big laugh. It was fun.